I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Years. We sure did in the Harris house, it brought great peace and comfort being around our family and loved ones during this joyous time of year. Christmas eve morning we enjoyed going sledding with our friends the Alleman's and Milner's, there were great laughs to be shared and we decided that it needed to become a tradition every year. We had so much fun doing it, that we went again the Saturday after Christmas and some of Tom's family joined us for it. I'm so glad that there was plenty of snow around to allow us to sled. Christmas eve night we went to Tom's parents home and enjoyed seeing his siblings, cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunts again. I enjoyed the message that was shared by my father-in-law about our Savior and the gifts that we might think of giving Him this year. We also had fun playing the traditional Christmas Bingo, thanks again for a fun game Aunt Julie! Although this year I didn't get a single rotten bingo, and missed out on all of the BIG LOTS prizes. Total bummer! Christmas Day was wonderful! For the first time in our marriage, we spent the day at our own home! It was so nice! The boys were happy, because they could just have fun playing with their gifts and I enjoyed it because it was snowy outside and I could just sit and relax in my jammies! Tom and I really enjoyed just staying put and not rushing off to be somewhere else. Both of our parents and other family members stopped by to see us during the day and that was fun. Christmas night, we did go to my parents house for a yummy, mouth-watering primerib dinner made by Dad! Thanks Dad, it was really good! My brother and his family were in from Las Vegas and it's always fun to see them as well. New Year's eve we spent at the Alleman's home, our new neighbors! We enjoyed yummy food, and a great game of Free for All Yahtzee! But the night was cut short at about 11:00 when Xander threw up on the kitchen floor, thanks goodness it was on the kitchen floor and not on the carpet or the Alleman's new couches! Wheww!! Lucked out there. The poor little guy has had a really bad cough and got coughing so hard that he couldn't keep it all down, and so it all came up!
Looking ahead to a new year, brings much anticipation. I can't help but to look back at the past year. We have had a lot take place in our little family, and I feel extremely blessed. For me, I feel that Tom and I have grown closer this year than any other year in our marriage. Together we became healthier and even accomplished our first beginner's triathlon, and look forward to our next one this year. I wouldn't and couldn't have done this with out Tom's help. It was such an emotional experience crossing the finish line with my husband by my side. One of those tender moments you'll remember forever. Thanks honey for helping me find it in myself to accomplish this goal. Let's get training for the next one! Shortly after the triathlon we celebrated Tom's graduation, yeppee! Couple months later we took a big leap and bought our first home! I never thought we'd find the courage to do it, but we did, and love being homeowners- or shall I say "housepoor". We looked at 15 dumpy homes the day before we found our home, and so when we saw our home- we just knew it was "the one"! In August, I went back to work part time as a nanny and that has been surprisingly a nice thing. Although, my time is scarce and the house work doesn't get done quite as efficient as before, I still get to be with my boys full time. (who am I kidding the house work never really got done that efficiently before) While it has been a year full of emotional ups and downs for us, I can't help but recognize the Lord's hand in it all. We know that we have and continue to truly be blessed. Thank you to all of you who have been there for us and continue to show us your faithful examples. Happy 2009!
Here are some pics of the past few weeks events.
Temple Lights!
Beautiful Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.
Mom and her boys at Temple Square, Dad took picture.
Xander loved opening (more like ripping) his gifts this year, he was all over it!
KC was so excited for Santa to come. Tom told him that he needed to stay asleep all night so that Santa would bring his presents, if he woke up during the night then he would get a lump of coal (KC calls it a lump of cola)instead. Early Christmas morning he woke up to use the bathroom, and he thought he had woken up too soon. He panickly said to me, "mom, I don't want a lump of cola!"
Cute boys, even if the picture isn't perfect.
Tom sending his mom down the hill.
Xander Bander!
Tate, Emily, and Tom sending Dad down the hill.
Um yeah, not the most flattering angle for any of us.
KC loved the sledding, he was a trooper, like always!
Cute pic of Jamie and Carter.
Alex and Tom going down on the same tube.
Cliff and Leilani.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
wow you did have a full year! i had no idea you did a triathlon. good job! love the christmas pics.
Jenn, I'm glad that your family had such a great year! It's nice that you're still able to be with the boys & earn some money. And your house work was more than efficient before :) Happy New Year!!!
Love the Christmas pics! I'm dying over the lump of cola! Always the cutest little guy! The 16th works for me! B has preschool in the afternoon, so we could do morning if that works for you, or late afternoon, like 4ish.
What a cute fam! Looks like you guys had a great year and I love your house you are such an awesome decorator!
Congratulations on such an eventful year!
Love the pictures of the boys. They're so cute and getting so big!
What tri are you going to do this year? I want to do the Spudman. It's up in Burley, ID. It would be my first olympic distance. It's a lottery pick, though, so I don't know if I'll get in. I'm also thinking about doing the ULCER. It's a 100 mile bike race around Utah lake. We'll see about that one. Anyway, can't wait to hear what this year has in store for you guys!
Wow! What a great year! I love your bio. Harris and fun are certainly synonymous! Still hoping to be homeowners...
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