I've been letting KC brush his own teeth for a while now and I've gotten pretty lazy at making sure he is doing a good job at it. A few weeks ago I noticed that his teeth were looking pretty dirty, and they needed some serious mom help. So, I brushed them for him, while in this process I discovered KC's shark teeth. He had two adult teeth growing in behind his baby teeth on the bottom front. At first, I was a little freaked out by the sight of this, it looked weird! I immediately googled (love google!) this, you know to find out if this was dangerous or completely not normal. My worries were put at ease right away by what I found on the internet. What I found said that this does happen often, and it's nothing to be too concerned about, but that they would probably need to pull out the baby teeth to make room for the new teeth. So I called Dr. Knorr, our dentist and made the appointment. Here are the before and afters of KC teeth.
AFTER The dentist had to take out three teeth.
KC was a trooper through the whole ordeal. He got pretty scared when they had to give him 7 shots to deaden the area. The nurse and I had to hold down his arms and head. He cried through that part, and said to me, "I just want to go home". I hate seeing my children in pain, it's the worst. I wanted to cry and go home too. The teeth they pulled out still had the roots fully attached, poor guy. Luckily, he didn't feel that part. The tooth fairy came, and even spoiled him with a little extra cash, because of how tramatic it was to lose those teeth.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago