Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Xander's first day of preschool

It's official, my boys are growing up. Way too quickly I might add. Xander started preschool last week. He was suppose to start on the 8th, but had to miss the first day because my grandpa passed away and we went to the funeral. (I'll post more on that later). So Xander started on the second day of school, but he didn't seem to mind one bit. He is going to the same in home preschool that KC went to, and so far he really seems to like it. I'm so proud of both of my boys for being so brave. They have had no hesitation going to school. I love them both so much, and feel like the luckiest mom on the earth! So far Xander's favorite thing to do at preschool is "cawa", translation: color. Here are some cute pics I was lucky enough to get of Xander, he is not one to pose or sit still for pictures.

"Mom! Just take the stinkin'picture already!"

Isn't he hot stuff?

He is SO proud of his new Thomas the Train backpack and Spiderman shoes.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

KC starts Kindergarten . . .mom may go through withdrawls

We did it!! Well, I guess KC did it. Xander and I walked him around the corner and to his first day of Kindergarten this morning. He was so excited to go, I didn't think that he would have a hard time at all saying goodbye. And he didn't. Not at all.

In fact this morning, I asked him, "Will you get the ketchup out of the fridge for me, buddy?" I mean c'mon, every kid needs a power breakfast of eggs and ketchup for the first day of school.

His reply to me was, "Mom why do you call me buddy?"

I replied, "I don't know, I guess I've always called you that. Why do you not like it?"

KC said, "Yeah, I don't like it."

My thought was, "what?!! he doesn't want me to call him buddy anymore? I've been calling him that since he was a baby! It's starting sooner than I suspected. He's growing up and doesn't want to be embarrassed by his mom. Ouch, it hurts. My baby's no longer a baby anymore. He's no longer my buddy anymore."

I said to him (even though it hurt my heart to say this to him), "I won't call you buddy anymore if you don't want me too. Does it embarrass you?"

He replied, "Yes, don't call me buddy at school mom."

And there you have it. I am the mother of an almost 6 year old, who gets embarrassed of things his mom does. I guess I'm not too surprised. I used to get embarrassed by some of the things my mom use to do. (sorry mom, still love ya) I can't remember exactly what those things were, but I remember feeling the same way KC does. Oh well, I guess thats a part of life. I didn't really mean for this post to convey how sad I am that my oldest son is growing up. Really, I'm not that sad about. Just sentimental I guess. In all reality, I'm thrilled for him to start school. He has been so excited about this. Since last year, when we bought our house that is literally just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the elementary school, KC has wanted to go to school there. We've really hyped it up all year long. I was such a proud mom this morning, when I watched KC line up with his classmates and march into his classroom with no hesitation at all. Here's a few pics of KC this morning. I tried not to get too carried away with taking pictures, afterall I wouldn't want to embarrass my son.

KC and his goofy brother.

KC lining up with his class. Look at that grin. You couldn't wipe it off his face even if you wanted.